Privacy Policy

Below is the privacy policy (hereinafter referred to as “this Policy”) of DMO GATEWAY Shin-Shinagawa (hereinafter referred to as “this Corporation”) in handling privacy information when providing services (hereinafter referred to as “Services”) on this website.

Article1 (Privacy information)
“Personal information” refers to the type of privacy information stipulated as “personal information” in the Private Information Protection Law. It refers to information that can identify a specific existing individual including name, date of birth, address, telephone number, contact number and other descriptions included in the information.
Another type of information is “historical information and characteristic information”. These refer to information other than the aforementioned “personal information”. They collectively refer to the services or products purchased, page views, ad history, search keywords used, date and time of use, method of use, environment, postcode, sex, occupation, age, user IP address, cookies information, location information, information regarding the device used, etc.
Article2 (Collection method of privacy information)
When registering as a user, this Corporation may ask for personal information such as the user’s name, date of birth, address, phone number, email address, bank account number, credit card number, driving license number, etc. In addition, this Corporation may also collect the transaction records and information related to payments which include personal information provided by the users to its business partners (These include information providers, advertisers, advertising platforms, etc. Hereinafter referred to as “Partners”.).
When users use Services provided by this Corporation or its Partners or browse through their pages, this Corporation collects historical information and characteristic information such as the services or softwares used, products purchased, pages viewed, ad history, search keywords used, date and time of use, method of use, environment (including the state of the internet connection of the device and and information on various settings at the time of use), IP address, cookies information, location information, and information regarding the device used, etc.
Article3 (Purpose of collection and use of personal information)
This Corporation’s purposes of the collection and use of personal information are as follows.

  1. In order to display the registered information for the user to view, modify, and to check on their own usage history, such as registered information like name, address, contact information, payment information and services and products purchased, and their charges
  2. In order for this Corporation to contact users or respond to users’ inquiries by sending emails and other information to the users
  3. In order to send users seasonal greetings and invitations and information regarding events organized, co-organized, supported, sponsored, or collaborated by this Corporation
  4. In order to confirm the identity of the user by using information such as his or her name, date of birth, address, phone number, bank account number, credit card number, driving license number, postal delivery notices, etc.
  5. In order to request payments from users for services and products purchased by using information related to his or her payments such as the types of services used and the dates they were used, frequency of use, names and quantities of products purchased, billing amount, names, addresses, bank account numbers, credit card numbers, etc.
  6. In order to display information registered by the user at this Corporation on the input page to facilitate the entry of information for the user and in order to transfer the information to other services, etc. (including those provided by our Partners) following instructions by the user
  7. In order to stop our Services when a user delays payment obligations, causes a loss to third parties, violates the terms of use of our Services, or tries to use our Services for fraudulent purposes by using information such as the mode of usage, names, addresses, and other information to identify a specific user
  8. In order respond to users’ inquiries by using information such as the user’s usage situation, contact information, and other information necessary in the provision of Services by the Corporation such as information in the inquiries and information on payment requests, etc.
  9. In order to appropriately carry out operations regarding part or all of the handling of personal information consigned by other business operators
  10. Purposes that accompany the above purposes of use
Article4 (Provision of personal information to third parties)
This Corporation will not provide users’ personal information without the user’s permission to third parties except in the following situations. However, this provision shall not apply for instances permitted by the Private Information Protection Law and other laws and ordinances.
  1. When this Corporation is required to legally comply with laws and ordinances
  2. When it is difficult to obtain an agreement from the user for the provision of his or her personal information but it is necessary to do so in order to protect the life, health, or property of a person
  3. When it is difficult to obtain an agreement from the user for the provision of his or her personal information but it is necessary to do so in order to promote improvements of public health or the healthy development of children
  4. When there is a necessity to cooperate with state agencies or local public organizations or a body tasked with the assignment in order to carry out an operation recognized by law and there is a risk of interfering with the performance of said operations if consent from the user is obtained
  5. When the following matters have been announced or disclosed beforehand
    • ● The purpose of use indicates the inclusion of providing information to third parties
    • ● List of data provided to third parties
    • ● Methods of provision of information to third parties
    • ● That as requested by the user, the provision of personal information will be stopped

Regardless of the previous paragraph, the following situations shall not apply to third parties.
  1. When this Corporation consigns part or all of the information handling to a third party in order to achieve its purposes of use
  2. When personal information is provided for the continuation of business operations following mergers, etc.
  3. When the personal information is used in partnership with a specific person and this fact, the list of personal information used, the scope of use of the person working in partnership, the purposes of use and the name of the person responsible for the management of the information concerned are shared with the user, or when this fact and the aforementioned information can be known by the user easily
Article5 (Disclosure of personal information)
When the owner of the personal information requests this Corporation to disclose their personal information, we will disclose the information as soon as possible. However, if the disclosure of personal information leads to any of the following situations, this Corporation may not disclose part or all the information. If it has been decided that the information will not be disclosed, the Corporation must notify the user immediately. This Corporation shall accept 1,000 yen (includes consumption tax and local consumption tax) as processing fees for each incident of disclosure of information.

  1. When there is a risk of harming the life, body, property or other rights and interests of the user himself or a third party
  2. When there is a risk of seriously hindering this Corporation’s implementation of its business operations
  3. Other actions that violates laws and ordinances, etc.
    Regardless of the previous paragraph, as a general rule, information other than personal information such as historical information and characteristic information will not be disclosed.
Article6 (Revision, addition, and deletion of personal information)
If the information possessed by this Corporation on the users are incorrect, users can request the revision, addition, or deletion of the information using the procedures designated by this Corporation.
When this Corporation receives a request as stipulated in the previous paragraph and deems that it is necessary to respond to the request, it will revise, add, or delete the information as soon as possible and report its completion to the user.
Article7 (Discontinuation of use of personal information, etc.)
If the user requests this Corporation to discontinue the use of his or her personal information (hereinafter referred to as “Discontinuation of use, etc.) due to reasons such as use of personal information that is beyond the scope of the purposes of use or because the information was acquired through illegal means, this Corporation must, upon confirming the identity of the user, immediately launch an investigation, take actions for the Discontinuation of use, etc. and report this to the user. However, if the discontinuation of use of personal information incurs a high cost or encounters other difficulties, when alternative measures necessary to protect the rights and interests of the individual can be taken, these alternative measures will be implemented.
Article8 (Copyright)
All information (text, photos, illustrations, etc.) posted on this website is protected under the Copyright Act. Without permission from the copyright holder recognized under the Copyright Act, these information cannot be reprinted, reproduced, or sold.
Article9 (Links)
As a general rule, there are no restrictions on linking to this website.
However, please adhere to the following rules when doing so.
  1. Links must lead to the homepage (
  2. When setting up the link, please indicate clearly that the link will lead to the “Official Site of DMO GATEWAY Shin-Shinagawa”.
Article 10 (Disclaimer)
Although this Corporation pays utmost attention and care in the management of the information and links posted on this website, it does not guarantee the integrity, accuracy, usability, and safety of the content. Please be aware that the information published on this site are parts of information about activities held during the time of posting and this Corporation will not be responsible for the deletion or editing of these information based on the judgment of the website operators or the judgment of the operators running the websites linked.
This Corporation does not assume any responsibility for losses incurred by users due to the interruption of Services through this website caused by force majeure incidents such as fire, power failure or other natural disasters, malicious virus or third party interference, etc.
Article11 (Changes in the privacy policy)
The content of this Policy can be changed without a notification to users.
Unless separately specified by this Corporation, the updated privacy policy will come into effect at the time of posting on this website.
Article12 (Point of contact for inquiries)
Please contact us using the information below for any inquiries regarding this policy.


DMO GATEWAY Shin-Shinagawa Office, Inside Happo-En, 1-1-1,
Shirokanedai, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 108-8631, Japan

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